Saturday, February 4, 2012

At Heaven!

The Heaven
 The first thing that I noticed was the crystal clear blue waters and the white sandy beach. Amidst the desert mountains and wild shrubs stood an open tent and a small hut. The sea looked like a wide river on this part covered by mountain walls and small islands. I was so impatient to get our things into the open tent and change into my swimming costumes. The warm waters under the noon sun lured us to its lap.

Just as in other Farasan beaches the water was not deep here also. As Shreya started wading through the shallow water, I kept her company. The sea floor was clearer than the other beaches but still held corals and sea lives on it.  Since there was a caution notice for stingrays on the shore, we kept close watch of the children. All the more my ever persistent fear for snakes was more prominent in that wildly beautiful place.

The fear started to wear off very soon as we explored the waters. It was one of the best places for snorkelling since sea life was at its splendour on that area. Even my swimming glasses could reveal many beautiful creatures underwater.

As children floated around with their own fun, we took turns to keep watch of them.  I swam into the deep waters for some time but my limbs grew tired so soon.  As a relaxation, I started to float. The water held me much better than the waters I ever had been into.

As I lay there, neither in sky nor in land, neither in water nor outside it, my mind grew empty. Silver clouds lazily floated on the blue sky above me.  Blue water floated smoothly over me. Rocky Mountains shone in warmth around the place. There was silence! Even the water over my ear level didn’t have any sound. It was absolute bliss and I closed my eyes.

The moment flows by like molten sapphire
Deep blue silences no earth below, No sky above
Only me, my breath, my heartbeat
Such depth like this, such loneliness like this
And me only me
I now believe I exist.
                                                                                           Courtsey: Zindagi Mile Na Dobara

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