Thursday, February 9, 2012

Moonlit Ocean Thoughts….

Continues from At Heaven!

I was on the shore very soon after the contemplative moments. The mind was calm and relaxed and I craved for solitude. As others enjoyed in the lap of the clear blue waters, I walked on the untouched sandy shore. 

My feet were touching the bare earth after a long time. The white grains started tickling and rejuvenating my nerves. In that solitary walk, everything around attained a wonderful beauty. Kissed by the wild shrubs on one side and water on the other side, the narrow path lured its walkers to go more.

Vast assortment of sea life scattered around the shore. The beautiful costumes of sea creatures announced the magnificence and unknown wonders under the sea. I picked some shells and scattered them back to their home.

The sun set was on as others started to emerge back from the water. There was the call of hunger. As we cooked and ate the noodles at the small gas stove in the back hut, it was like experiencing all the fun of cooking in the long lost periods.

Sun Set at Farasan
The mounds were covered in darkness as we came out of the hut. The sea waves were blossoming in dark blue colours. The sky was in brilliant colours of burning red. The nature arrayed its beautiful painting for moments and then dark blue beams spread over everything.

The boatmen came back and we started back. As the boat raced across the moonlit waters, the roar of waves overpowered the human voices. No one was speaking and got lost in own thoughts.

As I looked at the moonlit faces, they looked very calm and serene. We, who were bound together in that boat at the moment, would have to be apart in the future. On that moment I thought of many of my dear friends with whom I had spent many days, months and years together. Though inseparable during those times we all had to separate to meet again for hours or never at all. But the love and good moments remain alive in memory.

This memory will definitely be one like that. We were bound to cherish this wonderful day together. The last day at Furasan Islands will be remembered in a corresponding way by all of us in the coming years. 

The journey to Abha would begin on the next day….

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