Sunday, February 12, 2012

From the Sea level to the Mountains

 Continues from Moonlit Ocean Thoughts….

We woke up after a refreshing and sound sleep at night. Since we’d packed our bags earlier, the morning looked relaxed and calm. The Red Sea seemed to be under her lazy morning slumber as we bid good bye to the Coral Resort.

The egret birds were busy at the back waters for their morning preys. As we moved to the ferry with sleeping children in our hands, the Sun glossed up from the horizon.

All of us were tired to enjoy the morning rays on the Red sea. By the time the ferry had started we all fell into a nap. It was the ferry men who woke us up. 

All of us were feeling really hungry and exhausted for the breakfast. After some unsuccessful attempts to find out a South Indian restaurant, we resolved to try out the Kudu. Their breakfast tasted the best in our hungry palettes.

The scenery started to change from the sandy beaches to barren mountains as we drove to Abhah. The wide roads were divided by medians lined with date palms. Soon we entered into the roads amidst the giant Asir Mountains. 

As we drove onwards, we realized that we were not feeling the strain of deep hair pin curves on those zigzag roads. Some of the native cars were doing dangerous overtakes on the two line roads. Mostly the roads were clear and open for free drive owing to the mid Eid vacation days.

The shining sun rays under the chilly wind made the climate exotic as we stopped the car at a vegetable vendor. On contrary to the normal hill station vegetable stalls, the stock was of inferior quality and high in price. 

The winding roads, well lit tunnels and mountain walled lines soon took us to the middle of the Asir of Province. We stopped our car near a popular parking spot, where most of the tourists took a glimpse of the mountains and the beautiful landscape beneath. The wind was chilly and carried the smell of a public lavatory.
The urge to get back to the car or to marvel the scenery around had an equal pull. Finally the beauty of nature took its control. The mist covered mountains beneath were spotted at times by a flock of birds. Above our heads were winding roads supported on huge pillars and leading to the city of Abha.

We finally reached our destination by 3p.m. After finding a local Kerala Restaurant amidst the busy local market at Abha we checked into the Hotel Mercure. We would soon joined by our other travel companions-Jimson & Julie. Till they reach the hotel, it was break time for us.

Continues in The Green Mountain!

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