Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Green Mountain!

Jimson and Julie joined us at Mercure by 5p.m. By 7p.m all of us were ready to visit the Green Mountain, a hill in Abhah, a popular tourist spot. We spent almost one hour on the roads of Abhah in search of the Green Mountain. At many instances we could get the glimpse of the mountain but the route to reach its foot remained unknown.

After many queries we took some steep upside curves and reached our destination. The hill was covered with green electric lights around to realize its name. The wind was blowing painfully chilly as we got out of the car. The time for the cable car travel across the mountain was over and we had no other option but to get back to the hotel.

We walked to the edge of the mountain where tourists were getting a bird’s eye view of the city at night. Away from the green boundary of the mountain, the flood of lights announced the spirit of the city. The dark mountains stood magnificently amidst the ocean of lights. 

From the Green Mountain
We returned back to the Green Mountain after two days. We reached there just before the closing time and were lucky enough to get into the service. In the dark and chilly air, the cable car took us over the Jebel Thera region. 

The city below lulled in cosy darkness with floods of light in some regions. The air sail took almost 7 minutes and we reached the opposite hill. From there, the Green Mountain looked like a glittering green mound.

As we started to roam around the well-built grounds, Sreejith, Shreya and I sneaked into a private café room overlooking the city of Abha. There was no service at that time. Far below the mountains, the dark winding roads were glittered with umpteen moving vehicles. The dark winding road looked like a huge python uncoiling and flashing its glittering spots. . As we sat together there as a family, looking at the dark mountains and the starry sky, we felt that our trip was really memorable.

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