Saturday, August 20, 2011

Temple of Philae-A Temple for Love!

Continues from Into The lap of Nile

Philae Temple
The afternoon sun shone bright and cloudless as we reached the shores of Nile.  The clear blue sky matched its radiance to the waters. The Felucca started its sail, taking us for the first sail in the Nile.

In the distance, we spotted some islands crowded with rocks. Fatima explained that they are dwelling place of Nubians, the tribal in Egypt. They rarely come out at this time of the day. 

As we were marvelling the unpolluted water of Nile, the water birds hopping on its surface and the Nubian village lining the shores, Fatima started to tell the story of Philae.

Once upon a time, the sky God Geb and the earth goddess Nut had four children: Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephys. Being the eldest and greatest among them, Osiris became the King of Egypt. He married his sister Isis and ruled the kingdom in excellent condition.

The good times didn’t last long. Set, who was jealous of his brother’s glory decided to attack his brother. Set transformed himself into a monster and killed Osiris. In order to prevent the resurrection of Osiris, Set cut Osiris body into different parts and distributed it among many areas in Egypt.

The Entrance to Philae temple with symbolic images of its story
Isis cried continuously over the loss of her husband. However, with the help of Nephys, wife of Set, Isis found out the body parts of Osiris. She assembled the body and with her great magical power blew life into her husband. 

Osiris went to the underworld and started his domain there. The couple had a son named Horace. As Horace grew up, he challenged Set for his rightful throne. After a series of matches, Horace emerged as the winner with the help of his mother Isis and father Osiris.

The temple of Philae is dedicated to Isis, the mother of Gods, Osiris, their son Horace and the family. It seems, the Osiris' body parts laid in the Nubian island across the Nile. The people sometimes tell that the flood in Nile happens when Isis cries for her husband. 

For centuries, the temple remained as the home for worshipers of Isis. The temple now remains as a major tourist spot beholding its majesty.

Continues in Philae Temple-The Creation of God’s Home!

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