Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sahasra Nam

Continues from Desert Safari

Some people make an impression on us from the very first meeting itself. For us (I and Sreejith), Mr. Sahasra Nam is someone like that.  Before I start writing about him, let me tell you! I don’t know anything about him apart from the glimpses of our short meeting.

We’d heard so much about Sahasra Nam and his wife from our family friends Kunjanietan and family. We went to meet Kunjanietan in the morning before desert safari. So, when he told us about meeting Nam, we were absolutely fine with the idea. Even I, who usually hesitate to get introduced to strangers, agreed to it.

We were left alone in the living room before meeting Nam. The living room decorated with a mixture of modern and traditional taste made an impression on me before meeting its owner. Nam soon greeted us with a wide smile and I felt so comfortable.

As Nam drove us for lunch, I started to feel that I’ve met this person somewhere before! It was only an intuition. That’s because he talked subjects very familiar to me and I was at ease. Soon, I realized that if he meets some other person, he might talk topics familiar to them also. I got convinced that indeed talking is an art itself!

After the desert safari, we directly went to Nam’s house. I felt like going to a friend’s house that is familiar for years. At Nam’s home, I and Sreejith had our own fun time to pursue. Shreya lapsed into a good sleep after the tiring day. It was around 2am that we’d decided to have our dinner. The dinner comprised of hot rice, dosa and Sambar in the background of Indian classic music was very much unlike any other dinner I had during late night parties. 

I don’t remember when I hit the bed and woke up! As I finished mine & Shreya’s bath, Nam was ready in the kitchen. As we sat in the kitchen as he prepared the breakfast, we actually felt like sitting in the kitchen of a close relative. 

After breakfast, it was time for us to leave. Nam introduced us to his neighbors. Soon we got dressed up and Nam helped us with our luggage. He presented Shreya with a handy tiger toy and asked her to take care of him well.

As we bid good bye to him, I made a note in mind that if ever we come to Dubai again, we’ll visit him for sure.

The second leg of Nam’s story happened after we reached Fujairah. As soon as we got our luggage out, we realized that the laptop bag is missing! I must have misplaced it in the visitor’s lobby when we came out. What more? Our passport and multiple exit entry passes are inside it! 

We were lost. We were not in India, not in Saudi Arabia but in a third country! We won’t get entry to Saudi Arabia without entry passes!!All the fun we had out of the trip drained out from us. As we called Nam, there was no hope in getting back the laptop. Nam called back within two hours. His security had retained the bag and kept it safely. I had nothing else to believe than that all people associated with him must be extraordinary.

As I called him to say thanks, he laughed again with his natural humour. I, who always find it difficult to express my feelings through talks, felt so easy with him. As I kept the phone, I just remembered-I, who photograph each special occasion, hadn’t photographed our time with Nam.  But some special moments have to be cherished in memory, right?

Continues in Fujairah-The Land of Mountains and Beaches 

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