Saturday, February 12, 2011

Welcome to Riyadh

We didn’t have enough of our time in Fujairah. The morning sky was so clear against the beautiful mountains, when we started our return journey. The travel was uninterrupted until we reached the outskirts of Dubai. Here, we started to watch out for speed checkers and our speed reduced to 120km/hr at these points.

We crossed Abu Dhabi and caught up with our travel companions at Al Sila. All must be so hungry since we couldn’t find a single piece of breakfast left out in the food carrier. We continued our speed since we were anxious of the delay at the border.

The border seemed to be crowded as we approached. Religious Saudi women, who didn’t wish to show their faces, were waiting outside the ‘Women Inspection Area’ with their Iqama. Curiously, that was the only crowd out there. We passed the border with ease. However as we had got back into ‘Abhaya’ I started missing something. I didn’t find the Saudi officer’s cheerful ‘Welcome’ welcoming also.

Sunset at the desert
Soon, it was noon and we had our lunch. Next few hours went in a rhythm. That’s when the scene I had most wished to view started happening-the sunset in the desert. The sky started changing its colors. The silver fire turned into an orange fire. Soon, it started to burn the clouds and turn them into a dark blue color of Lord Krishna. The sand around the desert became golden in color and started vibrating. Finally, the red orb started to roll down. As its tip finally sank down, I realized- one more vacation is over...

There are many things that we missed to visit during this vacation. But...
                                 Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
                                 Are sweeter;
                                                     (Ode on a Grecian Urn: John Keats)

                               The End

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