Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Nile: Unsurpassed Expressions of Waves

Continues from Into the Domain of Hawk-Edfu Temple

We reached the cruise earlier than the Spanish tourists returned! There was ample time to take rest before the evening tea. As we were getting into the room, the guy from the spa came out and greeted us. Definitely, I got interested in the guy, who acutely resembled Harry Potter with his  round glasses, girlish grin and disheveled hair. After a conversation with him, both of us decided to get a spa treatment with the arrangement of each of taking turn to take care of Shreya. 

It was evening by the time we finished our spa treatments. The cruise had already started its sail by the time we went to the upper deck for tea. The sun had started his descend for the day, turning the waves of Nile into dark black.

The mist stretched across the water. We took our cups of tea and went to the forefront seats on the terrace. We immediately regretted! The tea instantly turned cold and the chilling wind started to sweep on our face. Little Shreya grinned in merry with the chill weather.

A Cruise in the Nile
It was then that we noticed the other cruise sailing behind us. Our cruise manager explained that they always travel in a convoy mode in watch for some emergencies.

Nile after the Sunset
Life flew on both sides of the Nile. A group of water birds headed in hurry towards their destination. The sun would sink at any moment and night cover the activities on the water. As if in a hurry to complete the day duties, the waves in the Nile fluttered frantically. At last the sun sank! The waves became calm as if something had dropped into it and submerged into the bottom.
No more had seen of the Nile. We listened to splashing music of Nile for some time and went down to our room. As we lay in our room, listening to the growling engine and splashing waters, I thought of the difference between day Nile and the night Nile.
Nile was in its best charm as we’d sailed from Aswan to Edfu. T he deep blue water evoked lush green waves on its banks. Just beyond the green growth, burning soil of Sahara desert glistened and craved for the touch of Nile.
Many camels had grazed on the river banks while farmers walked busy with their routines. We never knew time skipped into hours as we sat near the huge glass pane windows in our room, watching the beautiful expressions of the Nile.
For the lunch we had descended to the restaurant which came beneath the water level. The waves splashed across the window pane next to our seats. The waves seemed to touch us but danced back in glittering sunshine. It was an exotic experience for sure! We savored the view for a long time after finishing our lunch.
The dinner time took me away from the thoughts of the Nile. We went to the restaurant and took our regular seats. Our Spanish companions were busy reading the travelogue of Egypt. They suddenly rose in the midst of their dinner and hurried out of the hall. “They must have gone to see the Esna Lock,” The cruise captain who had dined with us, explained.
We had never heard of Esna Lock. It turned out to be the lock to raise and lower stretches of water between different levels of the Nile. The cruise would wait behind the closed gates in a chamber until the water level become equal. We rushed after our neighbors to watch this unheard practice.
Chill wind brazed us as we waited on the deck for the gates to be opened. Engines growled as they leveled the water in the Nile. After 15 minutes’ wait at the gate the water leveled to allow us to enter into the next phase of Nile. I didn’t felt anything great though! It may be due to my lack of interest in technical complicacies. Sreejith raved about this technique, while we came down.
The night had turned really dark as we came back from the Galapia Show at the visiting hall. I gazed through the window in hope to watch stars strewn across the Egyptian sky. The sky was dark and devoid of glitter. I dropped into sleep when the dark waters float out. The waves that cradled five thousand years of history and culture proudly floated along.

Continues in Karnak Temple: The Most Perfect of Places

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