Sunday, June 12, 2011

Egypt-The First Glimpse of the Magical Land

The exotic culture of Egypt, a land with 5,000 years of history, innumerable tales, wondrous architectures, exotic landscapes, large museums and beauty etched with its name would entice anyone who has got a travel bug. Well, the situation has changed recently owing to its political scenario. However, we were lucky to visit the land of Nile in 2009 during the pre-winter period of September.

 After months of planning, two hours travel from Riyadh, co-ordinated tour package and itinerary for the eight days vacation; we were in complete excitement as we reached the Cairo Airport. As scheduled, our tour co-ordinator Mr. Ameer was waiting for us at the Airport. Immigration, customs and conversion of money made easy with his assistance. The sun was hot as we came out of the Airport.  Soon we started towards hotel Nile where our accommodation was arranged for the day.

Our car started to inch through the dense traffic on Cairo roads. We were surely away from the Bangalore traffic blocks for some time and got used to the flowing traffic in the wide roads of Riyadh. After a while, I started to get impatient to reach our destination. Ameer smiled patiently at my impatience and explained that Cairo is the largest city in the African continent with 16th place in the most populated metropolitan area in the world.  I kept listened to Ameer’s descriptions and relieved of the traffic jams.

First Glimpse of Nile
It was noon as we checked into Hotel Nile. Our lunch was not included in the package and Ameer left us with suggestions of some good local restaurants. We got into our nicely furnished room with the unique view of Nile. Fresh fruits were arranged in a vase with Egyptian artistry.  The bed was decorated with Egyptian paintings on its head. The paintings, cupboards, drawers and even the curtains had a touch of Egyptian scenes on it. Well, sitting in this room and looking across the Nile that glitters under the hot sun will give you the feel of the place that you are in.

We were so tempted to stay indoors than exploring the city in the hot noon. Bout our time was less and the city was so enticing. After getting fresh, we came out by 2pm. As we started to walk, the charm started to wear off a little. The roads were dirty and smelling like local Indian roads. 

As we passed some local people greeted us once or twice. We wished back but didn’t stop to talk to them. We felt that people are so friendly and cheerful in Egypt. On the way, an old man joined us to show us the restaurant. But after a while he insisted us visiting his antique shop before going to the restaurant. We suddenly sensed the Egyptian marketing technique and got rid of him. He showed a face and left us.

Cairo & Nile-another View
After an hour’s walk, we came back to the hotel and decided to have their buffet. Our appetite had gone down considerably by the walk. As we sat and watched the aristocratic decorations in the restaurant, we never knew what all to expect in the menu. Luckily the food turned out to be flavorsome for us.

As we waited for the bill, I looked at the group sitting across our table. Four middle aged ladies on a vacation. On overhearing a bit of their conversation, I could make out that they were long lost friends reunited once again, away from their families. I then thought of five of us-Poonam, Priya, Anurupa, I and Sharon-in that age. Will we have the same bond of friendship to reunite again in that age, away from the families? As of now, I cannot anything without Shreya and Sreejith. But may be in that age, who knows? After all, we were together when we were single and shared a bond.  That friendship had strengthened us in our present relationships. Though in distance and busy in own lives, our bond lies underneath. Surely, we’ll have a reunion of some sort at least in old age.

My contemplation was broken with the arrival of dessert. Soon, we retrieved to our room for a short nap.

Continues in Pyramids Tell a Glittering Tale...

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