Saturday, June 25, 2011

Inside the Pyramids & In front of the Sphinx

Continues from Pyramids, Pyramids, Pyramids & Pyramids......... 

Shreya in the backdrop of three Pyramids
After our visit at the Pyramids of Giza, our guide led us to the plateau where we can get a magnificent view of the three Pyramids together and later can enter the Pyramid of Menkaure. The Sun was definitely blazing above us as we smiled for the photos in the backdrop of Pyramids. However we never noticed the heat, as the experience was once in a lifetime. 

Behind us the plateau stretched in hot silver sand. This is where Aishwarya Rai walked in Egyptian costume in the movie ‘Jeans’. Katrina Kaif and Akshay Kumar had the most romantic scenes in “Singh is King” at this very burning sand.

Camel Ride
As we looked again, we were spell bound by the magnificent giants. The camels next to the Pyramids seemed like ants. It was then our guide pointed some riding camels for us. We soon jumped up. It was the first camel ride for three of us. Shreya enjoyed till the end when she started stretching her baby lips. After a tough bargaining and shopping at the Souvenir sellers we headed straight to the Pyramid of Menkaure.

Photography and children were strictly prohibited at the Pyramid of Menkaure. I and Shreya waited at the narrow descending staircase when Sreejith went inside. Being claustrophobic, I started to get nervous as time lapsed. Though concerned about my claustrophobia, Sreejith advised me to take a trip inside on his return.

Steep and narrow steps lead me downwards. I had to bend low while descending, owing to the stone roofs cast so low to the steps. At the end of the stairs was a narrow passage covered on both sides by huge stones. I was skeptical on whether to go further.

Again at the end of the passage was narrow steps ascending. I decided to take the steps and ascended bending low. I was at a loss when I found a little wider passage at the end of the steps. I was breathless and started to run towards the end of the passage. I was not in a mood to give up after going through these many narrow paths. 

The narrow passage ended at the King Menkaure’s burial chamber.  A guide was waiting there to give information for the visitors.  The first thing he said me was:

“Here, have some water. You were running for something and breathless now!”

I thankfully sat at the edge of the big hole on the ground where King Menkaure’s mummy was once laid in golden chambers. The room was vast and cool. The guide updated me of King Menkaure’s mummy, its move to the museum etc. Honestly, not a word captured by my troubled mind at that time. I thanked him when he asked me for the tip. I didn’t have the wallet with me and frankly told him so. “No problem, welcome back!” he said.

The return to the entrance was more tedious since more visitors were coming down. However as I reached back, I was feeling as if I got the life back.  My insides were churning and I was actually feeling exhausted.

On the way back, we finally stopped in front of the Sphinx.  The largest monolith statue in the world of the mythical creature with the lion’s body and man’s face laid in front of the pyramids in full glory. Long been worshiped as the guiding God, Philosopher, protector and creator of great ancient Egypt, Sphinx anyway went under sleep beneath the sand layers till 1400 BC.

The young King Thutmose IV had a dream about Sphinx in 1400 BC and somehow dug out the front paws of the Sphinx. Later Ramesses II the great conducted the second excavation in 13th century B.C. In 1817, e a team supervised by Italian captain Giovanni Battista Caviglia excavated till the chest of the sphinx. The Sphinx was completely resurrected in 1936 owing to the excavations of a team led by Emile Baraize.

Our guide asked us to look closer at the Sphinx. Yes, something was missing on the Sphinx-The nose! There are many tales regarding the destruction of Sphinx’ nose from a native rebel, Napoleon, British troops, Mamluks and others. However, our guide believed the story of Alexander the great taking off the Sphinx’ nose.

Here, he answered our question, asked in the beginning of the day, “ Alexander the Great’s Pyramid is not yet discovered. Moreover look at the destructed structures in front of the Pyramids. They are the Pyramids Pyramids for Hensutsen, mother of Khafre, Merites, the sister and wife of Khufu and Redjedef, Khufu’s wife. There are umpteen such Pyramids yet not discovered. It is not in vain that they call our land, a land of mysteries and wonders!”

Continues in The House of wonders, Culture and Generations-Egyptian Museum  

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