Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Enchanting Cliff!

Continued from The Beauty of the Mirage

Vehicles at the edge of the abyss
After a short break at the unknown place of nature’s wonder, we soon headed to our destination.  However Bahr’s and our car fell way behind them. Nadeer and Sreejith were sprinting around with their cameras and it was so difficult to get them back.  However it was worth a delay since we got a rare snapshot of parading vehicles at the edge of the abyss.

We treaded through the narrow and adventurous roads. We were so attentive to each twist and movement of the vehicle that we hardly realized as we reached at the edge of the world!

The hanging cliff stood before us as wonder from the nature. The road ended at the foot of it. There were only two more SUVs apart from our vehicles.

There was the cliff to climb up and an unbeaten path to move down. Bahr and his wife were the first to explore the downward path followed soon by Sreejith. I was getting impatient to follow them but stayed back because of Shreya. But, Shehnaz and Munni assured me to go ahead as Shreya was happy in the company of their kids. We removed our Abhayas for further exploration.

The steep path downward was not as easy as it looked from above. As the rolling stones started slipping under the feet, I thought of climbing back. However Sreejith was there to rejuvenate me with the description of the view at the end of the cliff. His words filled me with the feeling that I can do that.

I took cautious steps downward and could see Shreya as a spot above the path. (Later Shehnaz told me that the little one got angry for leaving her behind. She was actually throwing stones at me.) Two more steps I was at the edge. But the same moment my legs started feeling wobbly. The wind was so strong to hurl me out. The stones beneath the feet became more slippery. I stood there for some time then moved slowly. Then I was there at the edge!

At the Cliff
The clouded sun of winter shone above my head. I couldn’t comprehend anything for some time. Then, I sat there. As my eyes grew out of the fear one of the most magnificent views that I had in my life stretched before me. The desert in front of me expanded to the horizon. The dim sun shone above the slanting cliffs making them look like golden forts. For me it was a divine view indeed. I felt close to heaven and my mind felt unusually peaceful. This would be a view I would cherish in my memories forever.

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